Red Ribbon Week Activities and Resources
Is your school going to celebrate Red Ribbon Week this October?
As you know every year schools across America wear red ribbons to show their support to remain drug free. In fact, the last week of October has been coined, Red Ribbon Week. During the week, schools host a series of Red Ribbon Week activities for students to celebrate living a drug free life.
One of the best ways to get your students fired up during the campaign is to hire a red ribbon week speaker to address the issues with drugs and alcohol. Students love to hear from others who have experience with drugs and talk about why drug prevention is so important. School assemblies are the best avenue to share information to the whole school at one time.
Do school assemblies work? Yes. It’s proven that difficult information delivered via a guest speaker is one of the best ways for students to be attentive and receptive to difficult conversations.
Having a school assembly is also a great way to relay solid information to the entire student body. When you add a speaker who uses comedy, it drives the message further.

In addition to bringing in a guest speaker, schools can have red ribbon week activities that students can do during the week. For example, schools have done contests during the week to get everyone involved. You can see who can decorate their door the best. Another idea is to have hallway projects that each class can do.
You want the kids to take action so you may consider purchasing or creating a banner with a drug free slogan and have all the kids sign it so that they can pledge to be drug free. The signed banner can hang in the hallway as a reminder of their pledge.
If you would like more information about hiring a speaker for Red Ribbon Week, please contact us. Learn more about the history of Red Ribbon Week so your school is ready to celebrate in October.