How to Build a Positive School Culture?
How do teachers in your school interact with students? Do they enter school with sad faces and with their heads down? Or do they happily chirp around interacting with their kids. Do you know what makes teachers enthusiastic about their classes and what makes students eager to study every day? Positive school culture has a deep influence on teachers’ and students’ attitudes and ultimately improves the learning experience.
You being a Principal must maintain a positive school culture.

What is ‘school culture’?
Culture, ethics, atmosphere, and environment are the words that can help you have a better understanding of the term school culture. School culture typically means the beliefs, traditions, and attitudes that are dominant and appreciated in a particular school.
School culture is also what students allow to happen on campus. The school administration can have the best set of rules but if none of the students abide by the rules, then the culture of the school is to dismiss authority.
The environment of your school also affects everything from teachers, to students and their learning attitudes. To make sure your school is running better, you need to acknowledge your school culture. Is your school culture healthy to promote productive activities for students?
If not, then take a step back, assess the current culture and implement a positive behavior interventions and support program also known as, PBIS.
It involves student-student interaction, student-teacher interaction, teacher-teacher interaction, and teacher-parent interaction.
A school culture that knows what is required for the student’s proper growth and learning is known to be a positive school culture. In such a culture, teachers are more interested in teaching and students are more eager to learn. Accomplishment, success, and joy are its main features.
Parent Involvement
To better understand the student’s nature and attitude, it is essential to have an interactive meeting between the teacher and the parents. It can help you get rid of the misunderstanding and mistrust in the student-teacher relationship. Parents’ involvement provides them with the platform to give feedback about their child’s report and get the remarks of teachers about their classroom performance.
The involvement of parents fosters the creation of meaningful and positive feelings.
Encourage teachers and students
It is very important to encourage students when they perform well in their academics. This should be more than merely saying “very good.” It is suggested to award them with little prizes or gifts.
Compliments play a very important role in enhancing students’ confidence and boosting their interest in studying more.
Along with the students, it is also very important to complement and encourage the Teachers for the hard work to teach their students.
Norms and values
You must set specific rules and regulations for your school that everyone must obey. However, this does not mean that you start building norms for every situation in the school. This helps the students learn what they should do on the school premises and what is not allowed and why they should do and why they should not do it.
Hosting a school assembly is a great way to relay a positive message to all students.
Help the students develop discipline and follow the rule instead of punishing them over what they should not have done. Teach them what they should do.
Your students learn from their peers, and your personality should be a model for them. You should practically tell them what the good qualities are and what bad attributes are.