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Using Humor To Motivate Teens at School Assemblies

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I often ask event planners why they decided to hire me to speak to their teenage students and the answer I get the most is because I use a lot of humor in my speech.  The other reason is because I’m Hispanic and they usually have a high percentage of Hispanics at their school or they want to expose their students to someone who is Hispanic and holds a Masters degree and runs a successful business. 

Whatever the case, I’m honored to speak in schools all the over the country. My number one request from schools is to speak on the issue of bullying. As an anti-bullying speaker I try to use humor to hook teens before presenting a serious message. The only way I can describe it is to relate to that of a Surgeon. Before a Surgeon goes deep, he uses anesthesia to numb their patients, well I use comedy as a form of anesthesia before delivering a serious message about suicide and bullying, which is now being coined as bullycide.

I enjoy taking a cold audience and taking them on a fun journey where I make them the hero. I show students how to handle bullies at school and show how to take them from enemy to friend. That’s right. I don’t teach students how to report bullying, that’s too easy and it doesn’t work. I’d rather empower teens to handle bullies on their own, it’ll build resilience and instead of being safe for a day, they’ll be safe for a lifetime because they’ll own the coping skills needed to overcome bullying. I teach teens how to respond to bullies.

If your school is ready to have the top bullying speaker who uses humor in their speech, then I’d love to come to your school. Contact us today about a possible date.

About Bullying Speaker

Fabian Ramirez is one of the top anti-bullying speakers in the nation. His programs have been enjoyed by thousands of students by way of school assemblies.