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Hispanic Youth Expert Leader

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Hispanic Leadership

Stand up and take charge

If you were to ask me what makes a leader I’ll tell you what others leaders might say. A leader is somebody who can influence positive change. Anyone who follows a leader does so because they trust that leader can bring about change.

When it comes to the Hispanic youth market, the same is true. Hispanics turn to leaders who can bring change to their lives or their community. Whenever I address an audience I clearly make it known that my life is committed to influencing young people in a positive way. Because of that people see me as a leader to Hispanic youth. Experts say that leaders often walk a lonely road because of the pressure that is endured in leading.

Just like the movie Spider Man, with great power comes great responsibility. It’s true; once you’ve earned a position of authority you must protect your role and carry it out. You cannot lead halfway and expect people to follow you long-term.

The minute you stop leading, your followers will seek out another leader. This is the same for companies as well; employees want to work for a company that has great leadership.

Hispanic youth want to learn from leaders who are movers and shakers within the Hispanic population. If they don’t see true leadership within their own home they will seek out individuals at school or in their community. The truth is that youth do not know their potential. It may take an adult in their lives to see that potential and pull it out of them. Kids only know what they have been taught and what they’ve seen the closest people to them do in life.

For example, if they are the first in their family to graduate high school, this is a huge victory for the family. This is also a vulnerable place for that Hispanic youth to be in because they don’t have an example to follow when it comes to college. They don’t have someone to walk them through the steps. A leader will see these youth and walk them through the steps and make sure to empower them to start and finish college.
You don’t have to be a youth expert to bring about change, just invest enough into young people to be able to a positive influence in their lives.

About Bullying Speaker

Fabian Ramirez is one of the top anti-bullying speakers in the nation. His programs have been enjoyed by thousands of students by way of school assemblies.