Before you pile the whole school into the school auditorium or gymnasium, make sure that every teacher has a list of these 5 school assembly rules for students to abide by. The following list is suggested for a smooth school assembly.

- Make students aware of the content that will be shared during the school assembly. If it’s the beginning of the school year, then it’s likely that the assembly will be about how students are to behave throughout the school year. Keep in mind that school assemblies are the perfect way to relay information to the whole student body. The first school assembly of the year is super important because it sets the tone for future events. If it’s chaotic and without structure, teachers get frustrated, the speaker will have a hard time holding the audience and the students that want to listen, will not be able to hear over the other kids talking.
- Don’t just let students sit wherever they want. Why? Because students tend to want to sit next to a person that they like to talk with and will talk to them during the assembly. So make sure that every student sits with their own class. Teachers, make sure to sit with your class. Do not drop off your students and then spend the whole time in the teacher’s lounge. You know which student will need that extra attention so make sure they feel your presence. Sit with your class if at all possible.
- Set the tone before the introduction. Motivational speakers prepare for messages and they want to get that message across to as many students as possible. In order for the speaker to have success, a respected individual from the school administration, must lay down basic rules and this must be done before the speaker is introduced. Basic rules include: no cell phones, no talking, no gum-popping, no hats and no headphones. Students are to be reminded of the seriousness of the message and how much work the school has done in preparation for the assembly.
- Ask your students to be ready with at least one takeaway from the presentation. Then, when you return to class, follow up by asking students to share their one takeaway with the class. This will help them be engaged during the assembly. Teachers, make sure to create your own list of takeaways and plan to expand on them. Use school assemblies as a way to further the positive messages that your students are receiving.
- Create posters after the presentation about what was learned. For example, if the presentation had a Red Ribbon Week speaker, then students can work in groups to create drug prevention posters. If the message was about bullying, then consider printing out free anti-bullying posters for schools and hanging them in the hallways around school.
School assemblies are often frowned upon by some teachers because many do not see the value of taking kids out of class. This is why teachers must be armed with at least 5 school assembly rules for students ahead of their assembly. Not only that, but get a speaker that teachers will enjoy listening to as well.
So, if you’re a school assembly planner, make sure to hire a professional school assembly speaker for schools and conferences with a proven track record. Research other School Principals and Guidance Counselors that have hired them and provided positive school assembly speaker reviews.
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