Middle school bullying is a problem in all school districts. The bullying issue has been effecting students for decades and many parents and students often do not know who to turn to when this occurs at school.
What is middle school bullying?
Bullying involves a power imbalance between a Bully and Victim. It can be a difference in Number, Size, Status, Role, Culture, Ethnicity. Victims will often feel inferior to the bully.
What are characteristics of a school bully?
The majority of school bullies have high self-esteem and could be the popular students on campus. One thing to note about bullies is that they are more likely to engage in other problem behaviors later in life, such as criminal activity or alcohol or other drug abuse and so it’s vital to stop bullies from acting this way in their early years.
Why is it that bullying goes on so long?
School bullying is hard for school administrators to catch. The average middle school bullying behavior lasts only 37 seconds. Teachers notice and intervene in only 1 out of 25 episodes and usually the people they catch are the victims after they react to the bullying. When students get picked on it occurs at least 2 – 3 times per month. It’s usually not every day but there are cases where some students get pushed around on a daily basis and they need to report it ASAP.
How far should things go before school bullying behavior is addressed?
Bullying behavior should be addressed before it interferes with the health, academics or learning process of a student. Schools should adopt a zero tolerance stance, for example: no name calling and keeping your hands to yourself. There needs to be consequences for breaking the rules related to bullying and they need to be harsh enough for students to abide by them.
Peer Mediation is not Effective in Situations of Bullying
The most important aspect to note is that bullying is not conflict, rather it is abuse. There is not a question of “some right” and “some wrong” on both sides. The “playing field” or balance of power, is not level. Adults need to claim responsibility. Source: © The Olweus Bullying Prevention Group, 2001
Here’s an interesting fact related to bullying: 71% of school shooters had been victims of bullying. This is because bullying messes with a person’s psyche. So when your mind goes crazy it makes you do some crazy things and this is why victims reach a point where they take action into their own hands.
Create a Buddy System
A child who has friends are less of a target. Ask children to look out for one another, sort of like holding hands before they cross the street. There is power in numbers and the more students that report bullying the least likely that bullies will continue picking on students. Encourage your kids to tell you, a teacher, or another adult when they’re having a problem. Counselors should be easy to access so students can talk to them when needed. There should also be a way to report bullying behavior without anyone knowing which student did so. This helps students come forward on their own.
Bullying Stops With Me
Why hire a school bullying speaker?
A school bullying speaker is a neutral person that can bring a fresh awareness to all students on campus. The speaker can be direct and give students options they can take when they are being bullied at school.
Teen Speaker | Fabian Ramirez
[…] • Middle School Bullying and Its Consequences – This is a common school problem and teens must be aware of how bullying could harm not only the ones being bullied, but the bullies too. […]
Fabian Ramirez
This was a hard day because I spoke to four different middle school assemblies, but it was so rewarding. Kids needed to know that someone understands what they are going through and to address the problem in front of all their peers.
Claudia Garza
Hello Fabian, I am 26 years old, I’m working on a research paper for college, and I wanted to let you know that your web site helped me a lot and answered a lot of questions I had. I’m a volunteer in a hospital and one of the volunteers I work with is 15 years old, she has suffered from bullying and now I’m able to help her thanks to you.
Have a great day!!!
Thank you for sharing with us ur experiences and form motivating us to stop this behavior.
Thank you,
Claudia C Garza
Nickie Pomar
If you have friends who are always with you, no one will bully you. Plus, you have to be strong all the time so that people will not bully you.
Ashley Juan
My name is Ashley and I am a Senior student at H.P Baldwin High School on Maui, Hawaii. I am also the chairsperson for bullying prevention week. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to come to our school and speak to a diverse body of students about bullying prevention. Please let me know if you are able to. This will be a great presentation!
– Ashley Juan
Terry Mathers
Please send me information about booking a speaker.
Leslie Reyes
I am a mother of a 12 yr old girl who has been bullied by the same girls for the last three years. It is to the point that my daughter has gained alot of weight, has no friends at school, and is threatening to kill herself. I have taken every precaution necessary. I have spoken with teachers, principals, superintendent, even police. The school does exactly what you say they blame my daughter. The police say they can not help me unless she is physically harmed. I have tried the buddy system. I have worked with the school. Now my daughter cannot go anywhere without those girlsfinding her and harassing her. I seriously am at my wits end. She is a sweet girl however she has nightmares when she sleeps and will no longer sleep alone. I want to do the right thing here, but what is right… what else can I do to protect her. She is my heart and I do not want to lose her because I cant stop this. Please if you have a chance could you respond to me and let me know what I can do for my baby.
Thank you